A Terror From God

Jacob's family moved to Bethel after his sons murdered all the men in Shechem (Genesis 35:5). Along the way, God caused a "terror" to fall on the surrounding cities so they wouldn't attack Jacob's family and destroy Abraham's line. Jacob had previously feared the results of his sons' murderous rage and said his family had been made to "stink" in the land.

God has the ability to terrorize entire cities of people for the benefit of his own. We shouldn't underestimate the range of ways God is willing to operate for our good. Most modern Christians wouldn't imagine God terrorizing people, but Genesis 35 proves it's well within his character. God has, and will, work in "mean" ways to accomplish his ends.

God works in mysterious ways. He influences people's emotional and psychological states to achieve his objectives. Our moods, and the moods of others, aren't always just a random mix of brain chemicals. God works inside our minds.