Do Neopagans Really Understand Paganism?

Neopaganism is rising across the Western world. Witchcraft, in particular, is spreading rapidly in America. Christianity's collapse has reopened the door for the old gods. I've personally been following this phenomenon for years, and I think it's an important trend for Christians to watch. You might not think it's a big deal, but there are more neopagans in America than Church of Christ members in the world. 

I've come to realize that most modern pagans rarely read ancient books or understand the ancient pagan worldview. If they did, it seems they'd also understand why paganism was unceremoniously abandoned in the wake of Christianity.

A single reading of the Bible or Homer is enough to grasp how pagans really saw their gods. Wiccans, with their environmentalist earth goddess worship, don't seem to comprehend the true nature of their deities. Pagans of the deep past would be deeply confused by their modern peers.

Ancient pagans knew the gods were limited in both power and knowledge, and that they lacked the morality mere humans were capable of. Pagans worshiped the gods as personal and national totems hoping they'd provide some kind of benefit. The people also suffered under the gods' anger and rivalry, and sacrifices were offered in hopes of pacifying them.

It's ridiculous for people to return to the old gods today. Why? Because they were utterly defeated by the Christian God thousands of years ago. Why would anyone want to crawl back to those weaker gods? What benefit could they provide that Jesus' God could not?

Early Christians argued that pagan gods should be rejected because they were even more immoral than humans. Socrates was more admirable than the gods he was executed for allegedly undermining people's faith in.

Contemporary neopagans obviously seek something from religion that the Christian God will not give them. Are they seeking a license to indulge their sins? Why did the pagan gods approve of temple prostitution? Because the pagan gods themselves enjoyed fornication.

I'm not suggesting all neopagans actually believe in the old gods. Many of them claim the gods represent "Jungian archetypes" or some other force. Does it matter? They worship the gods, and they perform rituals allegedly channeling their power. Do they really understand the consequences?

I don't pretend to understand this phenomenon, but the last decade has seen an unprecedented rise in alleged demon possessions. The Vatican is recruiting more exorcists. What exactly are these naive people summoning into our world? Are they just useful idiots serving a much darker agenda?