Covid-19 As God's Wrath

Let's face it, the last several decades have been abysmal for Christianity. Our numbers are collapsing across the developed world. Every major social institution has rejected biblical morality. In China, the government has become increasingly hostile towards anything religious. America led the world in embracing the abomination of homosexual marriage. The invasion of millions of non-Christian refugees into America and Europe has further eroded our civilization's Christ centered identity.

Perhaps God has seen enough. The coronavirus pandemic now ravaging our planet's health, and sure to set off an economic recession worse than 2008, should be interpreted as God's wrath. We deserve it. If we're lucky, it's just a warning shot.

I've been reading the prophets lately, and it's hard to ignore the parallels between their era and our own. The prophets were men "of whom the world was not worthy" trying to call back a decadent civilization to their God.

Nobody prophesied this coronavirus plague, as far as I know, but I think most devout Christians have been dreading God's wrath since at least the national legalization of homosexual marriage in 2015. Perhaps God would have looked past that legalization if it were simply mandated by the government, but Christian and churches across the world have increasingly embraced homosexuality and celebrated it.

Personally, I'd rather see global depression and the collapse of our entire world order than see the continued denigration of Christianity. The West deserves God's wrath, and we're probably witnessing it. We now have the chance to turn back, embrace the God who made us great, or else sink further into depravity and witness greater horrors than this.